Monday, November 21, 2011

Day 3, Gusgen Mines

Shortly after logging in today, Dizzy received a tell inviting her to some place she'd never heard of for a group. Her first group. Ever. In Abyssea.

Oh boy oh boy oh boyyy

Needless to say, Dizzy was pumped! She was very ready to go and get some levels in and meet some wonderful new people! After a journey through Konschtat, Dizzy made her way into the mines and met with the group of fellow adventurers to get started.


Okay, so, one too many ghouls got pulled. No big deal- everybody dies sometimes. In fact, dying is like, my favorite thing. Some of the best times of my life have been spent while dead. And someone was even nice enough to run off, change jobs, and come back to pick me up.

But then I died again.


But hey- I've died twice now. It's the worst these monsters can do to me. I'm not afraid. That which has killed me (twice) has made me STRONGER. I can do anything now. Maybe I'll go watch a horror movie. And. I won't. Cry.

Dizzy reached level 30 Red Mage before logging out tonight.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Day 2, some progress!

Last time, I met my Moogle (Bilbo) and made my first 50 Gil (I'm so under appreciated), but this time, after grinding outside of Bastok again for ages, I was getting rather tired of my starter gear, even though it does look smashing.


I was level 10 and ready to go shopping for some new clothes. I went in to sell my stacks of whatever useless things I had and made what I thought was a good amount of gil to get myself some new clothes!

I was wrong.

I find myself going into the armor shops in Bastok mines with my heart set on the leather armors only to be confronted with a cold, hard fact of life.

I am financially challenged.
This is pretty much how it went down

Crushed, Dizzy goes right back to grinding until she successfully opens some locked chests and gains enough Gil to purchase the leather armor. Additionally, her stacks of crystals on the auction house are sold! At level 12, Dizzy finally purchases her new clothes, and she could not be happier.


What does a girl do after getting a smashing new outfit? Parade it around town of course. It wasn't the first time Dizzy went around town, but she did notice some things this time that she didn't before.

                                                    Who is in charge of naming these NPCs?

Hello... Er... Ted.

It's not like complicated, artsy names aren't awesome. I have a love for them. I named my character Disenmaedel. 

Some of these names are just cruel though.

You poor thing.

Dizzy reached level 16 Red Mage before logging out tonight.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Day 1, let's get started!

After recently leaving a different game for my own reasons, and considering what I should be doing with my time, I came to realize that FFXI was having a SUPER SALE on Steam.

FFXI is the game that started it all for me. I still remember being much younger and new to the internet itself when this game was released. Some friends had it and played together all the time, and the idea was exciting! So after some begging with my parents (who were very uncomfortable with someone so young being on the internet to begin with), I got my FFXI, I got my account, and I got playing.

                                    And my account was disabled after 30 days because fees.

This time though! This time, I'm my own person. I can do this. I can enjoy the game like I always wanted to. So of course, I jump on the sale immediately and begin my download.

                                               I don't think I've ever been so restless.

Through hours downloading, patching, registering, and having a struggle with the keys provided by steam, I was likely being quite the drama queen.

 Eventually, however, there came a time when all of my patience (impatient whining) paid off. It was mine again. Mine mine mine.

                                        Eager, I set about the creation of my very own character.

                                                                                Heeeere's Dizzy!

I begin my adventures as a Hume Red Mage. I considered Mithra, but that is what I chose when I first owned the game as a wee Dizzy, and I decided I wanted to try something different. Also because everybody hits on Mithras.

                                                                 {Mithra}{Equipment}{Can I Have It?}

I considered Taru Taru, but they simply weren't Moogly enough. Really, a Final Fantasy online game, I want to be a Moogle! Don't try to appease me with these little things! Moogles or nothing!

Of the choices that remained, Hume was most relevant to my interests. Sorry Elvaan and Galka. No offense. Elvaan are hot hot hot hot hot though.

The world was another story. I hadn't even considered this before entering- when I last played, you were thrust into whatever world the game wanted to thrust you into. Gross.

I also noticed there were fewer worlds than when I had last played, and this was explained as being a world merge. I reviewed the list with some indecision at first, but all of that was washed away when I came across Carbuncle on the list.

How can you not want to be a part of Carbuncle? That little green bunny cat kangaroo rat was easily the cutest thing on the list. My decision was easy.



Getting used to the game again, though, was tricky at first. I forgot how odd the controls are, and it took me ages to figure out how to do anything without mashing "sdjlksghiurehejkg" much to the confusion of those around me when I first happened upon the world. For everything I had forgotten, though, there were a few things I did remember.

I chose to begin in Bastok, for the sake of my Hume signet ring.

I remember to always pick up my signet before leaving town.

There is an NPC somewhere who will give me some money just by giving her some coupon.

That last one on the list gave me some trouble because I was too busy being excited to actually read what the first cinematic was telling me. I already knew all this, right? But wait, who do I take it to?

After an eternity of walking around Bastok talking to every NPC ever, I eventually realize that you don't just give them the coupon by talking to them, no. You have to trade it to them! Via menu!

                                                             What button's menu again?

I consulted my manual and found my menu button and started over- trading with every NPC in Bastok until I eventually found the right one.

                                              When she was found, I eagerly awaited my reward.

                                                                        Of 50 gil.

Before long, however, I readjusted to all of the controls and was, despite my horrible struggles, very glad to be back in Vana'Diel. I even went into my home to find a little surprise waiting for me. My very first friend.

                                                                               I'll call you... Bilbo.